dijous, 17 de juny del 2010

Antonio Damasio "Brain and mind: from medicine to society" - Neuroscience and Psicology

Conferència "Brain and mind: from medicine to society", a càrrec d'Antonio Damasio, catedràtic de Neurociència i de Psicologia i premi Príncep d'Astúries de Ciències l'any 2005.

Acte organitzat per la UOC i per la Conselleria de Salut del Govern de la Generalitat.
24 de maig de 2007, auditori del Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona.

Research Topics

The neurobiology of mind and behavior, with an emphasis on emotion, decision-making, memory, communication, and creativity.
Research Overview
Antonio Damasio is an internationally recognized leader in neuroscience. His research has helped to elucidate the neural basis for the emotions and has shown that emotions play a central role in social cognition and decision-making. His work has also had a major influence on current understanding of the neural systems, which underlie memory, language and consciousness. Damasio directs the newly created USC Brain and Creativity Institute.
Source and more info: http://www.usc.edu/programs/neuroscience/faculty/profile.php?fid=27

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